Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Junk in Your Trunk

Still Life with Banana, Purse and Change © Justine Reyes

The magnets on the fridge have come down, the blond wig–long awaiting that special occasion that never seemed to arrive–has been sent home with a pal, and the last little coffee mug has been carefully housed in bubble wrap. The walls now bare, the floors darn near close to naked, and the couch looking for a home still sits alone and unwanted by the users of Craigslist. And me? Well, I am trying not to let the echo freak me the hell out.

The simple mathematical equation is that shit just gets done if you begin chipping away at it. And the truth of the matter is, the more boxes that get packed, the easier it becomes to just give it all away. Thank the gods of Out of the Closet and the Salvation Army for their undiscriminating taste. NOTHING FEELS BETTER THAN UNLOADING AN ENTIRE CAR in front of one of those charitable establishments. There is an upside to moving after all and that is the process of clearing out. Because let's face it, who in their right mind would be able to let go of this much hard-earned JUNK, if it didn't mean lifting it all not once but twice?

I move in a few days, ladies and gentleman, and though the story is not an uncommon one, it is the only one today that I have to tell. Oh, there are other things...the exciting world of determining 150 students' grades in 3 days. The ensuing graduation I get to attend in cap and gown. And the large check I will soon be cutting to my new landlord.

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