Saturday, April 12, 2008

On my way home

I have been busy blogging on my film's website so forgive me. I really can't blog like I used to! There just seems to be so many other things to do nowadays. Jeez. Really, I'd like nothing more than to keep you all abreast of all the fantabulus details of my personal life, but somewhere along the line a bit of that exhibitionist charm wore off.

What I can say is that I have been to Taipei and back. I have missed a flight to Mexico and managed to still arrive to and return from Ixmiquilpan unscathed. I have started teaching an editing class and shown up at least partially prepared. I have kept my dog fed and my boyfriend charmed at least when I have been around. The weather is lovely and I do mean lovely so the spirits–and those spirits belonging entirely to me–are high. Even if I do have to work on the computer all day on a Saturday, I can leave my windows open and the door cracked.

But I bet you can't tell which photos are from where and what I was doing at any of these exotic places. I certainly wasn't doing anything like eating...