Thursday, April 15, 2010

Heavy Objects

Coyotes by Kathryn Spence

It looks like I will be moving soon. I am not entirely sure where...or how, but I know that it just doesn't make much sense to for me to be here anymore. So goodbye to my wonderful home with the hand-painted birds on the walls and the wide open spaciousness and the tall, tall bookshelves and the concrete floors and oh, the sunny skylights. It will all be let go. And without getting too dramatic here, it all must.

As a devout and tireless nester, it doesn't take long for every space I move into to quickly become my home. Virginia Wolf's most well-known anthem, is one that I have always held true and dear. And I know the process is painful: the auditioning of new potential nests; the packing and sorting of what was once important, to what is relevant now; the sheer hard labour of lifting heavy objects. But oh the joy of shedding skin! And such the exquisite pleasure of settling in.


Kurt said...

Don't forget to notify all your periodicals of your new address.

Casey said...

Will do!