Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What we are doing

1. We are appreciating our readers. All three of them!
2. We are remembering our friend, Cayce, who has been gone now for a year
3. We are voting!
4. We are starting to play too much Scrabulous
5. We are trying to get up early and go running with limited success
6. We are keeping our fingers crossed as the gods decide where our film will land
7. We are listening to podcasts of Fresh Air at warp speed
8. We are public transporting (?) and loving it
9. We are watching Jon Stewart again
10. We are getting along with the boyfriend but trying to ignore Valentine's Day

we are becoming again and it feels good like spring


Kurt said...

I have always despised Valentine's Day. Did you go to the Film Fest yet?

Casey said...

A. Why do all guys (that I date) despise VD? It's harder to ignore than not ignore.

B. April, baby, April!