Thursday, April 5, 2007

What love should mean?

If I tole you that last night's dinner was baked tofu–courtesy of Trader Joe's, microwaved popcorn, and beer from the local liquor store. If I tole you three rejection letters in 1 week. If I tole you, if I tole you, if I tole you.


Things aren't so bad.

The sky was pink last night for a real long time. And then a perfect water's blue. We sat on the wet beach. And sand got in my shoes, in my pockets, in my drawers.

There is a Foster's Freeze I walk by every day. At night they have an old neon sign they light up. The lights pop on and off and makes a nighttime sound as comforting as crickets.

We walked the beltway. We saw jackrabbits too fast for the dog to catch. We carried the dog across the brambles and still, afterwards, he stopped, paw in the air, waiting for someone to clean out the thorns.



With whipped cream except I forgot to buy the cream.

seventh grade excerpt from film:

what love should mean?

what love should mean?

i don't even know what the heck you are talking about.
first you don't care about anybody and then you do?

how 'bout generous? i don't know!

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