Take a deep breath. OK. OK. Did that. Now what?
Too much coffee. Too many things on my brain. Too much socializing. Too much beer. Too much homemade ice-cream (toasted coconut!) But all good for my health. The best, in fact.
The weather. Somewhat hot. The dog. Somewhat lazy. The boyfriend. Somewhat amazing. It could be worse. This order could be reversed.
¡Damas y caballeros! We could be reaching a break through here. Or maybe just a turning point. Or it could be more like the end of a really, really long journey. Like through the desert. Like being lost and then found. Like the coldest beer after the hottest car ride. Or the fizziest coca cola after unpacking all of your boxes. Do I make any sense?
I am talking about the film here. THE FILM! Other things, may be applicable as well. But THE FILM. It is nearing completion. It is nearing ohmygawd completion. Ready or not. It's done!
And then what?
A vacation.
A much needed vacation.
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