Thursday was my last day of work. I am trying hard to come up with things I will miss; surfing the internet on someone else's dime, that horrible commute, my obnoxious boss, the chronic back pain from sitting in a chair all day--uh, nope. Ok, maybe that fist thing. With the advances we've made in technology, I can still surf the internet at home, but it's just not the same thing. I mean, now that I'm not getting paid for it, it's just not as much fun to see who bids on that Tony Danza tee circa
Who's The Boss? I guess, I'll have to find a new hobby to fill all my time.
All my time.
The other thing is that I am moving. Out of my house. And I love my house. My house is cute. It's charming. It has a fireplace,
for chrissakes, inlaid wood! Some would even call it a Craftsman!
What the hell am I doing? The snowball is rolling and I just want to scream,
I have plenty to do what with moving and looking for work and my secret project I'd really like to finish before I move. But I wanted you all to know.
It's Monday morning.
9 AM.
And I am in my pajamas and bathrobe.
Drinking coffee.
And it feels quite lovely.
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