1. Start a blog
This has proven to work only in a small number of cases and possibly over only a finite period of time. WARNING: one may realize the blog is better than the real life simulacrum of the blog. But dates can and do occur and they can be relatively pain free.
2. Have a room available for rent.
Have people over to look at the room for rent. Inevitably, there will be one who will turn down the room and inquire about the possibilities of hanging out or getting coffee with the owner of the room for rent. While I cannot at this time attest to the level of the date on any numerical scale that would give you, the readers, an indication of its success--as for me personally hanging out barely registers on the Richter Scale--there is something to be said for just practicing.
3. Have sneaky friends.
That is to say, friends that will just happen to run into other friends when you are out drinking beer with them. WARNING: because aforementioned friends are married, must be willing to date single dads with children approximately the same age as your friends' children. WARNING NUMBER TWO: this might not immediately get you a one-on-one date, but rather, a group outing involving a lighthouse, pirate shanties, loads of kids and more beer.
4. Dine at your local public house.
When dining, consult your spiral-bound to-do list containing highly evolved systems of color coding and charcoal shading including histograms, box plots, scatter plots and other graphical representations of data. Grow frustrated and then wildly animated when you cannot read your own goddamn writing! Note others staring at you in wonder and engage in pleasantries about their compelling to-do list practices and byzantine methods of sub categorization. Realize that you and the other chronic to-do lister are neighbors and both recently dumped. Allow yourself to be bought more beer and share the misery. We really do like company.
Stay tuned for our next posting:
Casey Discovers Her New Lot in Life: The Single Daddies
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