...resurrected from last Christmas.
There are some things that are just always running through my head. Like corny things I almost can't help from saying and even cornier things I can't stop myself from writing. Like: no one writes to the colonel when, well, no one writes me. Or can't stop til you get enough when I am running around the house looking for my keys or glasses. There are more. Just stick around and you're bound to hear the music. There, didya catch that? That was just one of them: hear the music. Works well pretty much anywhere. Of course, put em on the glass remains a perennial favorito.
Nothing more except I totally promised to write more often. Because I have all this writing to do, you see. Grant applications, press releases, pleas to be accepted into various higher learning institutions as a, gulp, professor. I even had to write a letter of recommendation for a good friend. And yes, a treatment for a new film idea in the works.
But mostly I need a job. Sort of. Part-time. Until someone recognizes my brilliance and hands over the Genius fellow. Anyone looking to hire an editor out there? And no, I am not interested in editing your Survivor reel for trade. Sorry.
So my advice. To me? Keep up the good fight (there another one!) Keep on keeping on. Wait, shit, no, make it stoppppppppp!